Some Adapter and Object status is "Old Data Receiving" in vRealize Operations
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Some Adapter and Object status is "Old Data Receiving" in vRealize Operations


Article ID: 343463


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • vRealize Operations is integrated with vRealize Log Insight, with Enabled metric calculation checked.
  • Objects associated with vRealize Log Insight are reporting theĀ Old Data Receiving status under the vRealize Operations Administration > Inventory page.


VMware vRealize Operations Manager 7.5.x
VMware vRealize Operations Manager 7.0.x
VMware vRealize Operations 8.x


vRealize Log Insight is sending metrics with an old timestamp to vRealize Operations, causing vRealize Operations to report the Old Data Receiving status.


This is a known issue cause by vRealize Log Insight, and will be resolved in a future release or vRealize Log Insight.

To work around this issue, uncheck Enable metric calculation from the vRealize Operations Integration page in vRealize Log Insight.
  1. Log into vRealize Log Insight with the local admin user.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Integration > vRealize Operations.
  3. UncheckĀ  Enable metric calculation.
  4. Click Save.

Additional Information

The vCenter Adapter resources that can suffer from this issue, where the root cause is Log Insight, and can be fixed by this article, are:
  • Virtual Machine
  • Host System
  • vCenter Server
If any other object suffers from this issue, this article may not be applicable.