NSX Service Deployments can either be mapped to a specific Network, and Datastore that is unique across the cluster, or be set to Specified on host.
2016-10-26 15:50:43.845 GMT+00:00 INFO DCNPool-8 EamListener:273 - using vsmagent VSMAgent [serviceStatus=UNKNOWN, powerState=UNKNOWN, fabricState=ENABLED, healthState=FAILED, vsmAgentState=null, moid=93de685b-8f13-491e-a41b-4775ab902ecd, hostid=host-661, allocatedIpAddress=-1, vmConfigSent=false, serviceId=service-6, vmid=null, upgradeVmId=null, activeVmId=null, errorId=null, errorDescription=null,upgradeInProgress=false, objectId=vsmagent-63, Name=Guest Introspection(XXX.XX.XXX)] for com.vmware.vim.eam.issue.noAgentVmDatastore event on agent 93de685b-8f13-491e-a41b-4775ab902ecd
2016-10-26 15:50:43.854 GMT+00:00 INFO DCNPool-8 EamListener:356 - received event from eam. Event id is 1883028, event type id is com.vmware.vim.eam.issue.noAgentVmNetwork, created at Wed Oct 26 15:50:43 GMT+00:00 2016, host id is host-661, host name is XXXX.XXX.XXX, compute resource id is domain-c26, compute resource name is Physical, datacenter id is datacenter-21, datacenter name is Nergal Heavy Industries, event arguments are [issueKey = 54, agencyMoId = 00140ae7-c5fb-4163-b848-b6629c854926, agencyName = _VCNS_263_Physical_Guest Introspection, ownerKey = com.vmware.vShieldManager, agentMoId = 93de685b-8f13-491e-a41b-4775ab902ecd]
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.