Guest Introspection VM Installation Fails
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Guest Introspection VM Installation Fails


Article ID: 343371


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VMware NSX for vSphere


NSX Service Deployments can either be mapped to a specific Network, and Datastore that is unique across the cluster, or be set to Specified on host.


  • When deploying an NSX Service deployment, you see errors similar to:
    No agent network configuration found on host or No agent data store configuration found on the host.
  • In the NSX Manager vsm.log file, you see entries similar to:
2016-10-26 15:50:43.845 GMT+00:00 INFO DCNPool-8 EamListener:273 - using vsmagent VSMAgent [serviceStatus=UNKNOWN, powerState=UNKNOWN, fabricState=ENABLED, healthState=FAILED, vsmAgentState=null, moid=93de685b-8f13-491e-a41b-4775ab902ecd, hostid=host-661, allocatedIpAddress=-1, vmConfigSent=false, serviceId=service-6, vmid=null, upgradeVmId=null, activeVmId=null, errorId=null, errorDescription=null,upgradeInProgress=false, objectId=vsmagent-63, Name=Guest Introspection(XXX.XX.XXX)] for com.vmware.vim.eam.issue.noAgentVmDatastore event on agent 93de685b-8f13-491e-a41b-4775ab902ecd


2016-10-26 15:50:43.854 GMT+00:00 INFO DCNPool-8 EamListener:356 - received event from eam. Event id is 1883028, event type id is com.vmware.vim.eam.issue.noAgentVmNetwork, created at Wed Oct 26 15:50:43 GMT+00:00 2016, host id is host-661, host name is XXXX.XXX.XXX, compute resource id is domain-c26, compute resource name is Physical, datacenter id is datacenter-21, datacenter name is Nergal Heavy Industries, event arguments are [issueKey = 54, agencyMoId = 00140ae7-c5fb-4163-b848-b6629c854926, agencyName = _VCNS_263_Physical_Guest Introspection, ownerKey = com.vmware.vShieldManager, agentMoId = 93de685b-8f13-491e-a41b-4775ab902ecd]


Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.0.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.2.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.1.x


This issue occurs when the Specified on host option is chosen for either Datastore or Network and the Agent VM settings are not set on the host.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Log in to the vCenter Web Client.
  2. Navigate to Host > Manage > Settings > Virtual Machines > Agent VM Settings.
  3. Click Edit and select the Datastore and Network.
  4. Save the changes.