Cannot delete Guest Introspection Service Deployment
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Cannot delete Guest Introspection Service Deployment


Article ID: 343362


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VMware NSX for vSphere


To resolve this issue, delete the EAM agency of the non-existent cluster manually.


  • Guest introspection Service Deployment lists a non-existent cluster.
  • Deleting the Service Deployment from the vSphere web client fails with the error similar to:

    Invalid cluster id: null


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.0.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.2.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.1.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x


This issue occurs when a cluster in which Guest Introspection deployed is manually deleted before removing the Guest Introspection deployment.


To resolve this issue, delete the EAM agency of the cluster manually:
  1. Access the EAM MOB through https://vCenter_IP/eam/mob/ and view the existing agency IDs. 
  2. Make a note of all the agency values in the Properties table. 
  3. Click on the first agency value in the Properties table. 
  4. Click config
  5. Make a note of the agency name
  6. Click scope. 
  7. Make a note of the computeResource value. 
  8. Repeat steps from #2 to #7 for each agency listed to note the agency value, agencyName, computeResource values. 
  9. Log in to the NSX manager through SSH shell. 
  10. Run this command:

    show cluster all
    You see the output with all domain-cXX ids and corresponding computeResource IDs.
  11. Delete the agency whose computeResource is not present in the vCenter Server.

    Note: computeResource values present in vCenter Server are not in step #7 and #8.
To delete the agency:
    • In the EAM MOB, select the agency that must be deleted.
    • Click DestroyAgency.
    • Click Invoke Method to delete agency.

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