Performing host compliance check fails with the error: Given Services are not enabled on the port group
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Performing host compliance check fails with the error: Given Services are not enabled on the port group


Article ID: 343166


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server



When there are more than one vmk# ports that are enabled with different services in the same dvs portgroup, you experience these symptoms:

  • Host Compliance check returns the error:

    Host Compliance Failures
    Failures Against Host Profile
    Given Services are not enabled on the port group <portgroupname>
    Given Services are not enabled on the port group <portgroupname>

  • The ESX host declares that it is not compliant with itself .
  • The compliance check is successful if vMotion and FT logging are disabled in the vmkernel port.
  • In the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\PyVmomiServer.log file or C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs\PyVmomiServer.log file in vCenter Server, you see entries similar to:

    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,338 root DEBUG] Validating FixedDvsVirtualNicServices
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,338 root DEBUG] Expression failed compliance test on network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-dvSwitch-vmNetw356-management"]-nicType
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,338 root DEBUG] Validating CheckFixedDvsPortGroupSelection
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,338 root DEBUG] Expression failed compliance test on network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-dvSwitch-vmNetw356-management"]-inner
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,339 root DEBUG] validating CompositeExpression ChildCount = 2 [network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-dvSwitch-vmNetw356"]]
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,339 root DEBUG] Validating FixedDvsVirtualNicServices
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,339 root DEBUG] Expression failed compliance test on network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-dvSwitch-vmNetw356"]-nicType
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,339 root DEBUG] Validating CheckFixedDvsPortGroupSelection
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,341 root DEBUG] Expression failed compliance test on network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-dvSwitch-vmNetw356"]
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,341 root DEBUG] validating CompositeExpression ChildCount = 2 [network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-dvSwitch-vmNetw356-vmotion"]]
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,341 root DEBUG] Validating FixedDvsVirtualNicServices
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,341 root DEBUG] Validating CheckFixedDvsPortGroupSelection
    [2011-02-10 11:41:56,342 root DEBUG] Expression failed compliance test on network

    Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x


This issue occurs when host profile cannot handle more than one vmk# ports that are enabled with different services in the same dvs portgroup.


This is a known issue affecting VMware vCenter Server.

Currently, there is no resolution.

Two workarounds are available.

To work around this issue, use one of these options:
  • Move each vmk# port that has a service enabled to its individual dvPortgroup within the same dvSwitch. If you do not have sufficient dvportgroups to accomplish this, you may have to create more dvportgroups on the dvSwitch. For more information, see vNetwork Distributed PortGroup (dvPortGroup) Configuration (1010593).

  • Disable the compliance check for the services by editing the profile. When you disable the compliance check, it does not validate these services (vMotion, FT) on the dvSwitch.

    To disable the compliance check:
  1. Edit the profile of the services and navigate to Host virtual NIC folder > service profile > Services for the virtual NIC policy.

    where <service> is in the format <dvswitch-name> : <dv portgroup name> : <service>.

  2. Go to Compliance Details and deselect the validation rule.
  3. Click OK to save the profile.

Repeat these steps for each service profile.