xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xx.xxxZ error vpxd[7F725BE7C700] [Originator@6876 sub=VmProv opID=FlowBasedWizard-apply-638-ngc-35-f-01] Get exception while executing action vpx.vmprov.RemoveSnapshot: N5Vmomi5Fault17HostCommunication9ExceptionE(vmodl.fault.HostCommunication)
This issue occurs due to limitation from NFSv3 locking mechanism.
While deploying VCHA, ensure target and source ESXi hosts used in clone operations is the same ESXi host.
To avoid anti-affinity rule violation error during the VCHA configuration when same ESXi host is used for active,passive and witness node deployment:
Note: After the configuration nodes can be moved to different ESXI hosts and the above Advance settings can be revert back to True