To complete the manual upgrade of VMware Aria Operations, follow the steps below.
- Use WinSCP or similar software to copy the desired .pak file to the /storage/db/tmp directory of the Primary node.
- Log in to the Primary node as root via SSH or Console.
- Run the following command to initiate the upgrade:
curl --include --request POST --form 'pak_handling_advice="CLOBBER"' --form "contents=@/storage/db/tmp/Pak_Name.pak" --insecure --user 'admin:PASSWORD' https://Primary_Node_IP/casa/upgrade/cluster/pak/reserved/operation/silent_install
Note: Replace
Pak_Name.pak with the name of the .pak file uploaded to
/storage/db/tmp, replace
PASSWORD with the name of the password for the “admin” user, and replace
Primary_Node_IP with the with the IP address of the primary node
curl --include --request POST --form 'pak_handling_advice="CLOBBER"' --form "contents=@/storage/db/tmp/vRealize_Operations_Manager_With_CP-8.x-to-" --insecure --user 'admin:VMware1!'
- This will start the update procedure and the prompt will change to HTTP/1.1 100 Continue and you will receive no other output for about 3 minutes. Once you see output similar to the example below, you can refresh the Software Update page in the Admin UI. You can also check through vSphere if the VM is restarting. Once the Software Update page loads, it should show the progress of the install as normal.