When installing vCenter Converter Standalone you receive the error: Error 1500. Another installation is in progress..
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When installing vCenter Converter Standalone you receive the error: Error 1500. Another installation is in progress..


Article ID: 342746


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


When trying to install vCenter Converter Standalone, you receive this error message:

Error 1500. Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one



VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 4.3.x
VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 4.0.x


This error is reported when msiexec.exe file is being used another application. msiexec.exe is a Windows Installer Component used to install new programs that use Windows Installer package files (MSI).
To resolve this issue:
  • Wait for other installation processes to complete.
  • If no other installations are in progress:
    • Open Task Manager, switch to Processes tab.
    • Right-click on msiexec.exe process and select End All Processes
  • You can also restart the computer to close any processes that might be started by other installations.