This is an expected behavior in vRealize/Aria Operations when the REST API is used to push events into vRealize/Aria Operations.
If no additional events are pushed into vRealize/Aria Operations through the REST API, the adapter instances can be placed Maintenance Mode from the Inventory to prevent further alerts from being generated:
Access the Inventory from Product UI, select Environment then Inventory from the menu
In the middle pane expand Adapter Instances then expand VMwareAriaOperationsAPI Adapter Instance
Select all adapters starting with vRealizeOpsMgrAPI by clicking the name of each adapter instance, so they are highlighted
Note that names of these adapters include the name of the node, and there will be one per analytic node
Place the adapters in maintenance mode by selecting the Start Maintenance button in the menu bar:
Select I will return to end maintenance myself and click OK
Active alerts will be cancelled some time after, usually 5-15 minutes, depending on the cancel cycle that is set up on the alert definition
Additional Information
Please be aware that this is a common alert and used for many adapters, and this procedure should not be used for adapters that are collecting data
The vRealizeOpsMgrAPI adapter is only used to push data via API to Operations, and does not collect data
It is not recommended to perform this procedure on adapters that are collecting data, as this will stop collection, in addition to preventing alerts.