To check that the activated centralized license file contains the intended licenses and units contents through the
License File Checker.
Note: The License File Checker gives you statistics regarding the total number of licenses found and highlights inconsistencies that may potentially cause issues. This utility handles only Centralized or Server-based license files (used with VirtualCenter).
To view the type and count of licenses uploaded to the License Server:
Log in to VMware Infrastructure Client and connect to the VirtualCenter Server.
Click Administration.
Click the
Licenses tab. This screen shows the total number of CPUs that can be supported in this environment.
Note: A VirtualCenter license is one per CPU but the ESX hosts and their feature licenses equate to two CPUs per license. As you continue to add more ESX hosts and enable enterprise features such as vMotion or DRS, the count of remaining CPU licenses goes down.
If think that the total number of CPU licenses is incorrect, ensure that you are checking the correct Centralized license file.