Unable to Access VCD UI After Importing SSL Certificates
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Unable to Access VCD UI After Importing SSL Certificates


Article ID: 342533


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • The purpose of this documentation is to restore access to a VCD environment that has become inaccessible after updating the SSL certificates

  • After successfully importing updated HTTPS and ConsoleProxy certificates, the VCD UI is suddenly inaccessible
  • The Public Address for VCD returns an "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" response, similar to the following:


VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 10.x
VMware Cloud Director 10.x


  • This issue occurs because some legacy private key formats can successfully import into the VCD appliances, but are otherwise incompatible with establishing an SSL connection


  • To resolve, check if your private key files are encrypted. If they are, you should see a banner similar to the following at the beginning of the key contents:
  • If the key is encrypted, run the following command to unencrypt the key file:
openssl rsa -in encrypted_private.key -out decrypted_private.key
  • Once the key is unencrypted, run the following command to re-format and re-encrypt the key:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in user.http.unencrypted.key -out user.http.encrypted.key
  • After the key is correctly formatted and encrypted, re-import the .pem and .key files into each of the VCD cells and verify that access to the UI is restored thereafter

  • At this time, the workaround is to re-format and re-encrypt the private key files with the following commands:
openssl rsa -in encrypted_private.key -out decrypted_private.key
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in user.http.unencrypted.key -out user.http.encrypted.key

Additional Information



  • This issue will prevent any access to the VCD UI

To confirm if a cert matches with a key you can either use a validator online or run these commands directly inside the ssh session: (replace the name of the files with the correct ones, including full path)


openssl rsa -modulus -noout -in key.key | openssl md5

openssl x509 -modulus -noout -in FullChain.cer | openssl md5


Both commands should return the same output. If they don't means that the key does not belong to this cert and the error is expected.