Make global configuration changes to cdm probe on multiple systems
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Make global configuration changes to cdm probe on multiple systems


Article ID: 34252


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


This is a detailed How-to article to explain the creation of a configuration only package for the CDM probe.

This is a recurring question on how to automate distribution of the CDM configuration in large environments.


  • All supported UIM versions


  • Guidance


Using Infrastructure Manager:
  1. Configure a cdm probe with all of the settings you want to make global.
  2. Drag that probe back into the UIM local archive.
  3. Rename the probe during the drag and drop process to create a cdm configuration template (a popup window will display)
  4. Deploy the cdm probe to one or more robots if necessary
  5. Deploy the cdm template to your robots to change the configuration

Alternatively, you can use a simpler probe config just to change that part of the config by dragging and dropping the probe to create a template and just edit the .cfx file and change the CPU or other threshold(s) as desired.

For your example you could make a template using this .cfx contents or whatever thresholds you'd like to set:

<cpu> overwrite
<alarm> overwrite
active = yes
<error> overwrite
active = yes
threshold = 95
description = Total cpu above error threshold
message = CpuError
<warning> overwrite
active = no
threshold = 40
description = Total cpu above warning threshold
message = CpuWarning
<multi_max_error> overwrite
active = yes
threshold = 100
description = CPU usage of single cpu above limit
message = CpuMultiMaxError
<multi_diff_error> overwrite
active = no
threshold = 50
description = Difference in CPU usage between CPUs above limit
message = CpuMultiDiffError

For some generic examples of configuration file use see below:

Add a key if it does not already exist:

loglevel = 0

Set a key regardless of its earlier setting:

<setup> overwrite
loglevel = 0

Remove a section:

<setup> clear

Remove all keys from a section and add one:

<setup> clear
loglevel = 0

Remove one key from a section and add another:

<setup> delete
logfile =
<setup> overwrite
datafile = config.dat

For more information see the Help doc on .cfx files.

The .cfx file is the original probe package configuration file.

If you export the configuration file and modify it you have to import it back into the package in the Archive. Anytime you make changes to the probe via the GUI the probe will restart when you click Apply and/or Ok. In most cases, when you edit the probe configuration, a restart IS required and forced but there are some cases where you can make changes to the config, e.g., via the probe utility (select probe and press Ctrl-P, and execute a specific callback for a probe) where the probe doesn't necessarily restart.

When you want to make mass changes to the same probe on different machines on the same or different platforms, you can configure the probe, drag and drop it back into the archive, save it as a configuration template/rename it and deploy it via drag and drop it to a domain, hub or specific Robot.

configuration file (.cfx)

***The configuration files in the package have the same configuration file format as installed configuration files EXCEPT for added formatting commands. These formatting commands determine the way the distributed files are merged with existing ones.***

The approach described above is generally applicable for updating probe configurations en masse (bulk updates) for any probe package, as well as robot or hub, e.g., <probe>.cfg, robot.cfg, or hub.cfg, etc.

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