(Update Tools failed. Edit the virtual machine's vmx file, add the line below and try again. Please read KB article 1714 on tips for editing a vmx file. isolation.tools.guestInitiatedUpgrade.disable = "FALSE")
VMware Player 3.x (Linux) VMware Workstation Player 12.x (Linux) VMware Fusion 5.x VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0 VMware Workstation 7.x (Windows) VMware Player 5.x (Linux) VMware Workstation 11.x (for Windows) VMware Player 6.x (Linux) VMware Workstation 9.x (Linux) VMware Workstation 11.x (for Linux) VMware Fusion 7.x VMware Player 5.x (Windows) VMware Player 4.x (Windows) VMware Fusion Pro 8.x VMware Workstation Player 12.x (Windows) VMware Workstation 8.x (Linux) VMware Workstation 10.x (Windows) VMware Fusion 3.x VMware Player Pro 7.x (Linux) VMware ESXi 4.1.x Installable VMware Fusion 4.x VMware Workstation 10.x (Linux) VMware Player Pro 7.x (Windows) VMware Player 3.x (Windows ) VMware Workstation 8.x (Windows) VMware Fusion 6.x VMware Player 7.x (Windows) VMware Player 4.x (Linux) VMware Fusion 8.x VMware Workstation 7.x (Linux) VMware Player 7.x (Linux) VMware Workstation 9.x (Windows) VMware Workstation Pro 12.x (Linux) VMware Workstation Pro 12.x (Windows) VMware Player 6.x (Windows) VMware vSphere ESXi 5.1