Creating a Virtual Distributed Switch fails with the error: Incompatible Hosts
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Creating a Virtual Distributed Switch fails with the error: Incompatible Hosts


Article ID: 342332


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Cannot create a Virtual Distributed Switch (vDS)
  • Creating a vDS fails
  • You see the error:
    Incompatible Hosts
  • In the popup that appears, you see this error for each host:
    Compatibility Issues: Host <hostname.domain_name> is not licensed for the vDS feature 


VMware vCenter Server 6.x
VMware vCenter Server 7.x
VMware vCenter Server 8.x


This issue occurs if the hosts are not licensed at the Enterprise Plus level.
You can not utilize the vDS functionality if the hosts are not licensed at the Enterprise Plus level.


To resolve this issue, ensure that the hosts are licensed at the Enterprise Plus level.
To verify the license information:
  1. Select the host and click the Configure tab.
  2. Under System, Click Licensing
  3. Verify the current license type.

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