To resolve this issue, remove the linked vCenter Server entry from the ADAM database.
To remove the linked vCenter Server entry from the ADAM database:
- Start ADSI Edit.
- Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > ADSI Edit.
- Right-click ADSI Edit and click Connect to.
- Under Connection Point, select Select or type a Distinguished Name or Naming context and type:
- Under Computer, select Select or type a domain or server, enter the primary vCenter Servers NetBIOS name and click OK.
- Expand the tree items in the left pane and find the OU=Instances entry .
- Select the CN entry under OU=Instances .
- Right-click each CN (for example, CN=VIMWEBSVC ) and click Properties.
- Click vmw-vc-URL.
- Select Filter and click Show only attributes that have values to find the linked mode vCenter Server NetBIOS name to removed.
- Delete instances of old linked mode vCenter Servers.
- Restart vSphere Client.
Note: For more information on ADSI Edit, see the Microsoft TechNet article Use ADSI Edit to Manage an AD LDS Instance.
Note: The preceding links was correct as of September 3, 2014. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.