LDAP connection does not work in Aria Operations for Logs (formerly vRealize Log Insight)
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LDAP connection does not work in Aria Operations for Logs (formerly vRealize Log Insight)


Article ID: 342123


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Unable to authenticate to Active Directory.
  • You see the error:
    "Unable to validate Active Directory credentials. Please check your Active Directory DNS name, port, and SSL settings as well as your username and password."
  • Kerberos is enabled on Active Directory
  • Same configuration used in Aria Operations (formerly vRealize Operations) or other Aria Suite products instance works.


VMware vRealize Log Insight 3.6.x
VMware vRealize Log Insight 3.3.x
VMware vRealize Log Insight 4.0.x
VMware Aria Operations for Logs 8.x


This issue occurs if TCP/88 and UDP/88 ports are not open.


To resolve this issue, ensure that TCP/88 and UDP/88 ports are open to interact with Kerberos. For more information, see the Microsoft TechNet article Port Assignments for Well-Known Ports.

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