How to change hostname of management-server in VMware Integrated OpenStack
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How to change hostname of management-server in VMware Integrated OpenStack


Article ID: 342091


Updated On:


VMware VMware Integrated OpenStack


This article provides steps to change the hostname of a management-server in VMware Integrated OpenStack.


VMware Integrated OpenStack 2.0.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 2.5.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 3.0.x


To change the hostname of VIO management-server:
  1. Create a snapshot of VMware Integrated OpenStack vApp.
  2. Create a DNS A and PTR record for management-server IP address.
  3. Shutdown and power on VMware Integrated OpenStack vApp.
  4. Connect to the management-server through SSH.
  5. Stop oms services by running these commands:

    service oms stop
    service osvmw stop

  6. Take a back up of the /opt/vmware/vio/etc file by running this command:

    cp -r /opt/vmware/vio/etc /root/etc_backup

  7. Take a snapshot of the management-server.
  8. Remove files that block certificate regeneration by running this command:

    rm /opt/vmware/vio/etc/oms.lock /opt/vmware/vio/etc/guard.key

  9. Clean up the old certificate values by running this command:

    sed -i '/cms.*/d' /opt/vmware/vio/etc/

  10. Run this command to generate new certificate:

    /opt/vmware/vio/sysctl/scripts/ `cat /opt/vmware/vio/etc/ | grep keystorePass | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | tr -d "\n"` oms oms_server /opt/vmware/vio/etc

  11. Modify the /opt/vmware/vio/etc/ file and set the oms.extension.registered to false to allow oms to register with vCenter Server with new certificate.
  12. Restore original guard.key and password:

    cp /root/etc_backup/guard.key /opt/vmware/vio/etc/

  13. Open the /opt/vmware/vio/etc/ file and locate the entry starting with:


  14. Replace it with same entry from /root/etc_backup/ file.
  15. Stop and restart VIO vApp.
  16. Log out from the vSphere Web Client.
  17. Clear the browser cache and log in to the vSphere Web Clinet.
  18. Go to the VMware Integrated Openstack plugin and reconnect the OMS.
  19. Verify the hostname and certificate and delete the snapshot.