To generate certificates for use with the vSphere Web Client, see the
Replacing Default vCenter Server Certificates section in the
VMware vSphere Examples and Scenarios Guide.
Note: You may use the certificates already generated for your vCenter Server if the vSphere Web Client is installed on the same machine.
To install new certificates:
- Stop the VirtualCenter Server service and the VirtualCenter Webmanagement Services. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).
- Install the certificates on the server where the vSphere Web Client server component is installed, at:
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere Web Client\DMServer\config\ssl
- Restart the VirtualCenter Server service and the VirtualCenter Webmanagement Services. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting vCenter services (1003895).
- Your connections are now authenticated and encrypted using the new SSL certificates.