[msg.disk.duplicateUUID] Virtual disks "/vmfs/volumes/<DatastoreName>/<VMName>/<vDiskName.vmdk>" and "/vmfs/volumes/<DatastoreName>/<VMName>/<vDiskName.vmdk>" have the same UUID 12 34 A5 67 89 B0 1C 23-DE 45 6F 78 9A B0 1C 23. Virtual disks with same UUID should not be assigned to a VM since this can lead to problems when the guest boots. Please make sure virtual disks have unique UUIDs. Do you want to continue?
Note: The complete message is visible in the vmware.log file in the virtual machine folder.
VMware vSphere ESXi 8.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.x
1. Power off the virtual machine to unlock the disk.
2. Run this command to get the virtual disk UUID.
vmkfstools -J getuuid <vmname>.vmdk
# vmkfstools -J getuuid
UUID is 12 34 A5 67 89 B0 1C 23-DE 45 6F 78 9A B0 1C 23
3.Run this command to set or modify the UUID
vmkfstools -J setuuid <vmname>.vmdk
#vmkfstools -J setuuid /vmfs/volumes/datastore/VM/vm.
UUID is 12 34 A5 67 89 B0 1C 23-DE 45 6F 78 9A B0 1C 23
A new UUID is returned after the command executes.