This article provides information on how to detect and resolve the issue of spurious conflicting datastore error not allowing ESXi hosts to be updated.
A ESXi host is disconnected from vCenter sever upon reconnection with the following error message.
"Conflicting VMFS datastores (url ds:///vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxx/) - one is backed by local disk"
This issue occurs in one of the following scenarios:
This issue occurs if vCenter updates /etc/hosts file with incorrect or out of order entries when the ESXi hosts are reconnected.
There is no resolution because this is due to individual DNS configuration.
Connect to the vCenter Server and correct the /etc/hosts file.
1. Connect to the VCSA through SSH or its virtual machine console and authenticate as the root user.
2. Examine the /etc/hosts file entry for the affected host(s).
In most environments, having entries in /etc/hosts to resolve device IPs is unnecessary as DNS performs this function -- however, it might be used more frequently in VXRail environments. If there is any question about this in a VXRail environment, please contact Dell/EMC for support.
Cases have been seen where the order of the hosts FQDN/shortname entries have gotten reversed or are showing a different FQDN than previously.
3. If you see that the entry for the affected host is incorrect, edit the hosts file to fix the entry.
Note: Make a backup copy of the hosts file then edit the file (# cp hosts hosts.bak)
# vi hosts
Use the INSERT key to go into edit mode.
Fix the entries
Use ESC key to exit edit mode.
Use :wq to save
Use :q! if you've made a mistake and decided you want to start fresh.
If the work-around does not work due to a different cause of the issue, contact VMware by Broadcom Support and note this KB in the problem description.
For more information, see How to Submit a Broadcom Support Request.
Affected ESXi hosts may not be able to be reconnected and managed by vCenter or are not able to be updated following the error.