The Switch Fabric switch domain ID + Port area ID.
From the preceding information, you can see that the HBA reaches the target on WWPN 5000xxxxxxx2600 using the switch domain ID 02 and the port area ID 0e.
The port area ID is in hexadecimal, so use a converter to decimal in order to find the port ID.
The last two bytes belong to the Arbitrated Loop Physical Address.
5. From "vmkmgmt_keyval -a", a snip of the following physical stats can tell us the fabric health which detected by the HBA firmware. i.e. [LinkFailCount;LossofSync;InvalidTXword, etc]
Physical Port Statistics.... Seconds Since Last Reset 3098961xx Word1 Bits: x20000002 LinkFailCount 43 LossofSyncCount 46 LossofSignalCount 3 Primitive Seq Protocol Err Cnt 0 InvalidTxWordCount 110 InvalidCRCCount 0