The esxcli network nic stats command may show some counters that are greater than zero, on one or more physical network adapters.
Where vmnic2 is the subject NIC.$ esxcli network nic stats get -n vmnic2
NIC statistics for vmnic2
Packets received: 701280499176
Packets sent: 687061948450
Bytes received: 664124780523852
Bytes sent: 676938646792793
Receive packets dropped: 2452783244
Transmit packets dropped: 0
Multicast packets received: 976222150
Broadcast packets received: 0
Multicast packets sent: 0
Broadcast packets sent: 0
Total receive errors: 0
Receive length errors: 0
Receive over errors: 0
Receive CRC errors: 0
Receive frame errors: 0
Receive FIFO errors: 0
Receive missed errors: 0
Total transmit errors: 0
Transmit aborted errors: 0
Transmit carrier errors: 0
Transmit FIFO errors: 0
Transmit heartbeat errors: 0
Transmit window errors: 0
Notes about esxcli network nic stats ouput:
command to see over what time frame the counters have been incremented. $ watch esxcli network nic stats get -n vmnic2
In a healthy environment, "errors" should either be zero, or very small as a percentage of the overall total. If errors are present, the hardware vendor should be consulted.
VMware vCenter Server 7.x
VMware vCenter Server 8.x
Note: These changes impact network adapter performance and must be validated by the hardware vendor prior to implementing the change.
FIFO or Missed errors will increment if the physical NIC is not able to address the peak load of incoming packets with its assigned ring buffer size. Use the following commands to check the maximum (preset) ring buffer size and current ring buffer size. $ esxcli network nic ring preset get -n vmnicX
$ esxcli network nic ring current get -n vmnicX