VMware Software Manager - Download Service FAQ
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VMware Software Manager - Download Service FAQ


Article ID: 341457


Updated On:


Software Management Solution


The purpose of this article is to answer frequently asked questions about VMware Software Manager


VMware Software Manager 1.1.x
VMware Software Manager 1.0.x
VMware Software Manager 1.2.x


What is VMware Software Manager - Download Service?

VMware Software Manager - Download Service is a free product that enables you to dramatically simplify the download of VMware’s suites.

Where do I get documentation for VMware Software Manager - Download Service?

The documentation and release notes are available here:

Where do I get support for VMware Software Manager - Download Service?

The initial release of VMware Software Manager - Download Service is community supported. If you encounter a symptom when attempting to use one of the product's features, you can engage with VMware employees and other community users via the VMware Software Manager community. For more information on how to post a question to the communities, see VMware Community: How to post a question.

How do I collect diagnostic data from VMware Software Manager - Download Service?

For more information on how to generate a log bundle, see the Troubleshooting VMware Software Manager – Download Service section in the VMware Software Manager - Download Service user's guide.

I am unable to authenticate using Customer Connect credentials. How should I proceed?

The VMware Software Manager - Download Service requires you to authenticate against Customer Connect before you can use its features. If attempts to authenticate are returning errors, refer to the Unable to Connect to Customer Connect section of the VMware Software Manager documentation.

How to view my VSM download history in Customer Connect?

Products downloaded via the VMware Software Manager - Download Service can be viewed in Customer Connect under Products > My Download History.

You will see a detailed list/line item per product/sub product contained within a suite.

Customer Connect download history will update 30 minutes after a download is initiated via the VSM.

I am unable find a product. How should I proceed?

Only a subset of VMware suites will be available for download using VMware Software Manager. For a complete list of suites, see the VMware Software Manager - Download Service 1.0 Release Notes.