"The operation was aborted because you would exceed your stored virtual machine quota. X new virtual machine(s) would have been created, and your are already using X of a limit of X" when creating a new virtual machine in a vApp
Article ID: 341320
Updated On:
VMware Cloud Director
Symptoms: "The operation was aborted because you would exceed your stored virtual machine quota. X new virtual machine(s) would have been created, and your are already using X of a limit of X" when creating a new virtual machine in an existing vApp
VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 9.x
VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 10.x
This issue can be caused due to the following settings being exceeded:
1. The Organization vDC setting 'Maximum number of VMs' 2. The logged in users VM quota 3) vApp owners VM quota
This is expected behavior in vCloud director and in order to resolve this issue, review the settings below:
1. Under the affected Organization vDC review the allocation properties and ensure the setting 'Maximum number of VMs' is greater than the limit displayed in the error message
2. Under the affected Organization vDC review the current logged in user's properties and ensure the setting 'All VM's quota' is greater than the limit displayed in the error message
3. The vApp where the VM is being created, review the 'All VM's quota' setting for user who owns the vApp. When creating a VM within a vApp not owned by the current user, the vApp owner will take ownership of the new VM and the vApp users VM quota will increase