Unable to connect to vSphere replication target site
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Unable to connect to vSphere replication target site


Article ID: 341175


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery VMware vSphere ESXi



  • Connecting the target site reports an error on web client:

    "timeout while waiting for the vsphere replication manager server to become connected"

  • In the HMS.log file, you see error similar to:

    "2017-04-03 19:35:39.083 TRACE hms.updates.changeManager [tcweb-5] (..vmware.hms.ChangeManagerImpl) operationID=1b51e42c-####-####-####-dd9d91a83c63-HMS-15647017 | Got 0 object changes.
    2017-04-03 19:35:39.083 TRACE hms.updates.changeManager [tcweb-5] (..vmware.hms.ChangeManagerImpl) operationID=1b51e42c-####-####-####-dd9d91a83c63-HMS-15647017 | Got 0 collection changes.
    2017-04-03 19:35:39.386 ERROR jvsl.sessions [Ping Thread for server] (..net.impl.VmomiPingConnectionHandler) | Ping session on server failed: (vim.fault.NotAuthenticated) {
    faultCause = null,
    faultMessage = null,
    object = ManagedObjectReference: type = HmsSessionManager, value = session-manager, serverGuid = 25f22817-####-####-####-6e5f5e45ce5e,
    privilegeId = System.View
    (vim.fault.NotAuthenticated) {
    faultCause = null,
    faultMessage = null,
    object = ManagedObjectReference: type = HmsSessionManager, value = session-manager, serverGuid = 25f22817-####-####-####-6e5f5e45ce5e,
    privilegeId = System.View

    Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.

  • In the Virgo.log file, you see error similar to:

    Caused by: com.vmware.vim.binding.hms.fault.CannotVerifyCredentialsFault: Cannot verify login credentials. The authentication service infrastructure is not responding.
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor1097.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:526)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:383)


VMware vSphere Replication 6.1.x
VMware vSphere Replication 6.0.x


The issue occurs because of the time taken to get the name resolution from the domain controllers.


To resolve this issue, add the vCenter IP and FQDN for both vCenter Servers in the etc/hosts file on both replication appliance.
To add the vCenter IP and FQDN:
  1. Log in to vSphere Replication Appliance.
  2. Run these commands:

    cd etc
    cp hosts hosts.bak
    (to create back for host file )
    vi hosts

  3. Enter I key to enable insert mode.
  4. Move the cursor, create an entry for vCenter IP and FQDN for both sites below the local host entry.

    Example of hosts file:

    # VAMI_EDIT_BEGIN localhost srmr-a.example.local srmr-a
  5. Add the vCenter IP and FQDN after vSphere Replication Appliance IP and FQDN.

    Example of hosts file after the change:

    # VAMI_EDIT_BEGIN localhost srmr-a.example.local srmr-a vcprod.example.local vcdr.example.local

  6. Connect the target site.

    Note: If the connection fails, restart web client services of vCenter on both sites and try to connect.

Additional Information

Check if the ports are open between both the sites. For more information, see Port numbers that must be open for vSphere Replication 5.8.x and 6.x (2087769).