To resolve this issue, refresh host
TRUSTED_ROOTS after adding a trusted root to VCMA. For information on how to refresh host
Renew or Refresh ESXi Certificates.
To refresh host
Note: These are powershell commands
1. Run this command to connect to the vCenter Server
Connect-VIServer -server vcenter-server2. Run this command to get the ESXi hosts and set it to a variable
$hosts = get-vmhost3. Run this command to start the Service Instance
$si = Get-View ServiceInstance4. Run this command to start the certificate Manager view
$certMgr = Get-View -Id $si.Content.CertificateManager5. Using the Cert Manager, refresh the ESXi hosts Certs
6. Run this command to push all certificates in the
TRUSTED_ROOTS store in the vCenter Server VECS store to the host.