python /opt/vmware/share/htdocs/service/hms/cgi/ --cmd saveembeddedconf --ls https://<vc-or-psc-hostname>:<https-port>/lookupservice/sdk --lsthumbprint <ls-thumbprint> --ssoadmin <sso-admin> --ssopassword <sso-password> --vcip <vc-ip-or-hostname> --vcport <vc-http-port> --vcthumbprint <vc-thumbprint> --servername <server-name> --hmshost <hms-hostname> --hmsport <hms-server-port> --self-moid <hms-vm-mo-id> --adminmail <admin-email> --secmail <admin-email> --strict-certs <certs-mode>
<ls-thumbprint> and <vc-thumbprint> - can be obtained with the following methods:
1. echo QUIT | openssl s_client -connect <psc/vc-ip>:<psc/vc-ssl-port> 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256
2. While following HMS Appliance configuration steps wizard in VMware VRMS Appliance Management thumbprint can be taken when thumbprint confirmation prompt appears.
<hms-server-port> - the value is 8043
<vc-http-port> - custom VC http port. Please check "Description" section for instructions on how to get VC ports values.
<hms-vm-mo-id> - HMS Appliance VM managed object reference id.
There are 2 ways to get appliance id.
Open /opt/vmware/etc/vami/ovfEnv.xml file and take the value of "Environment" tag attribute "ve:vCenterId". For example with "Environment" tag value of:
<Environment xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:oe="" xmlns:ve="" oe:id="" ve:vCenterId="vm-28">
The vmMoId would be "vm-28".
vmMoId can be taken from VC MOB browser:
1. Go to https://<vc-ip>/mob
2. Select ("PropertyType.PropertyName") "ServiceContent.content" > "ManagedObjectReference:Folder.rootFolder" > "ManagedObjectReference:ManagedEntity[].childEntity <datacenter-name>" > "ManagedObjectReference:Folder.vmFolder" > "ManagedObjectReference:ManagedEntity[].childEntity"
3. Find HMS Appliance by VM name and take it's vmMoId.
<certs-mode> - refers to "hms-trust-mode" in hms-configuration.xml