Below mentioned are few search queries which are used in vRealize Network Insight
Flow Related Queries
Show VMs per L2 segment (can restrict with where vlan = xyz). Replace vlan with vxlan if using logical switches.
vm by vlan where vlan = “xyz”
Show a list of VMs with their gateway, network, VLAN etc:
L2 Network , vlan, ip address, default gateway of vms
Search a MAC address or IP address. Just type the address into the search bar.
Show me all network traffic going to the internet
flows where Flow Type = 'Src is VM' and Flow Type = 'Dst is Internet' by bytes
Show me all network traffic going to physical
flows where Flow Type = 'VM-Physical' by bytes
Show me the same thing, but totals:
sum(total bytes) of flow where Flow Type = 'VM-Physical'
Say you have two data centres (separate vCenter per site). Show me traffic totals between them (i.e. DCI link utilisation)
sum(bytes) of flows where (Dst Manager = 'abc' AND src manager = 'cba') OR (Dst Manager = 'cba' AND src manager = 'abc')
Total amount of VTEP traffic:
sum(bytes) of flows where Flow Type = 'Src is VTEP' or flow type = 'Dst is VTEP'
VTEP traffic grouped by VMkernel IP (Can’t see this in the vRNI demo labs – has to be in a real life lab):
sum(bytes) of flows where Flow Type = 'Src is VTEP' or flow type = 'Dst is VTEP' group by src ip
Show internet traffic totals for every src IP
sum(bytes) of flows where Flow Type = Internet' group by src ip
Series of 3 days where each point is an aggregate of 2 hours (7200 seconds) of metrics. The aggregate function being applied is supplied in the query – max, sum etc.
series(max(byte rate), 7200) of flows where flow type = 'Src is Physical' and flow type = 'Dst is Internet' in last 3 days
Find switch-ports or router-interface having packet drops
show Max Packet Drops, total packet drop ratio, network Rate of Switch Ports by Total Packet Drop Ratio
Network rate of all hosts (ordered by the highest)
network rate of host order by Max Network Rate
Show total flows grouped by ports
sum(bytes) of flow group by port
Look at Internet flows grouped by port with traffic totals:
sum(bytes) of flows where Traffic Type = 'INTERNET_TRAFFIC' group by port
Information About VMs
Show which network segments have the highest VM count:
vm group by l2 network
Which datastores have highest VM count:
vm group by datastore
ESX Host Information
Show me a list vSphere versions installed in the environment and a total of hosts:
host group by version
Show me a list of vSphere builds and how many hosts they have:
host group by OS
Show me hosts with how many VMs they contain:
vm group by host
Firewall rules
Show rules which have an any source (can combine with specific port if you like)
vm where incoming rules.Source Any
Show VMs with an affected rule of xyz
vm where Firewall Rule = 'Prod MidTier to Prod DB - DBService'
Show firewall rules where any port is allowed
firewall rule where action = allow and service any = true
Not operator: != Not like
max(byte rate) of flows sum(total bytes) sum(bytes) avg(CPU Usage Rate), avg(memory utilization) of VMs
Show which VNIs my controllers are responsible for:
controller of Vxlan group by controller
Which controller is responsible for my Prod-Midtier segment
Primary Controller of Vxlan 'Prod-Midtier'
Where is my Prod-Midtier-1 VM and what info do I want to know about it (i.e. MAC, IP, host it’s on)?
mac address, ip, vxlan, host of vm 'Prod-Midtier-1'