Reclaimable|Oversized VMs metrics removed in vRealize Operations Manager 7.0
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Reclaimable|Oversized VMs metrics removed in vRealize Operations Manager 7.0


Article ID: 340790


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • The Cluster Compute Resource metrics, Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|CPU (vCPUs) and Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|Memory (Kb), are not collecting, despite being enabled in the policy.
  • The view Reclaimable Resources from Oversized VMs in a cluster contains no data.
  • The reports Reclamation Report - vSphere Clusters, and Reclamation Report - Environment contain no data under the Reclaimable Resources from Oversized VMs section.


VMware vRealize Operations Manager 7.0.x

VMware Aria Operations 8.x



The Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|CPU (vCPUs) and Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|Memory (Kb) metrics for Cluster compute resources introduced in vRealize Operations Manager 6.7 have been removed in vRealize Operations Manager 7.0.

Oversized VMs have been removed from the reclaimable concept, and moved to Rightsizing in vRealize Operations Manager 7.0.


To resolve issues with content using the Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|CPU (vCPUs) and Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|Memory (Kb) metrics for Cluster compute resources, replace the metrics with custom Super Metrics.

To create the Super metrics, you must have vRealize Operations Manager Advanced, or Enterprise.

  1. Log into the vRealize Operations Manager UI as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Super Metrics.
  3. Click Add New Super Metric.
  4. Enter Reclaimable CPU (vCPUs) for the Name.
  5. Copy and Paste the below formula into the formula field:
sum(${adaptertype=VMWARE, objecttype=VirtualMachine, metric=summary|oversized|vcpus, depth=2})
  1. Click Save.
  2. Under Object Types, click Add Object Type.
  3. Filter for Cluster Compute Resource and select that entry under vCenter Adapter, then click Select.
  4. Repeat steps 3-8 to create a Super Metric named Reclaimable Memory (Kb) with the bellow formula:
sum(${adaptertype=VMWARE, objecttype=VirtualMachine, metric=summary|oversized|memory, depth=2})/1048576
  1. Navigate to Administration > Policies > Policy Library.
  2. Select the desired Policy and click Edit Selected Policy.
  3. Under section 5. Collect Metrics and Properties, filter for Reclaimable CPU (vCPUs).
  4. Select the Super Metric Type entry created in steps 3-8 for the Object Type of Cluster Compute Resource, and change the State to Local Enabled.
  5. Repeat steps 12-13 for the Reclaimable Memory (Kb) Super Metric.
  6. Click Save.

The Super Metrics will begin collecting within a few collection cycles.

Replace the Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|CPU (vCPUs) and Reclaimable|Oversized VMs|Memory (Kb) metrics used in a copy of the Reclaimable Resources from Oversized VMs in a cluster View with the newly created Super Metrics.

  1. Navigate to Dashboards > Views.
  2. Filter for Reclaimable Resources from Oversized VMs in a cluster, then select the entry and click Clone View.
  3. Rename the cloned View if desired.
  4. Click Remove next to the metrics located under the Data tab.
  5. Click 4. Data to expand the data section.
  6. Filter for Reclaimable CPU (vCPUs).
  7. Drag the Super Metric into the Data field on the right.
  8. Repeat steps 5-6 for the Reclaimable Memory (Kb) Super Metric.
  9. Click Save.
Replace the View used in the Reclamation Report - vSphere Clusters, and Reclamation Report - Environment reports with the cloned View.
  1. Navigate to Dashboards > Reports.
  2. Filter for Reclamation Report - vSphere Clusters, then select the entry and click Clone Template.
  3. Rename the cloned report if desired.
  4. Click Remove next to the Reclaimable Resources from Oversized VMs in a cluster View in the main panel.
  5. Click 2. Views and Dashboards to expand the section.
  6. Set Data Type to Views, and filter for the cloned View you created in the previous section.
  7. Drag the cloned View into the field on the right between Reclaimable Resources from Idle VMs in a cluster and Reclaimable Resources from Powered Off VMs in a cluster.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat steps 2-8 for the Reclamation Report - Environment report.