Enabling Logging in to helper virtual machine during conversion of powered-on Linux sources with Converter Standalone 4.0.x
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Enabling Logging in to helper virtual machine during conversion of powered-on Linux sources with Converter Standalone 4.0.x


Article ID: 340678


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VMware vSphere ESXi


By default, Linux P2V prevents users from logging in to the helper virtual machine. If the useSourcePasswordInHelperVm flag is enabled in the converter-agent.xml file, you can log in to the helper virtual machine's console using "root" as the user name, and the password of the source Linux machine.

Access to the helper virtual machine is particularly helpful for troubleshooting issues during conversion. For example, the inaccessibility of the helper virtual machine may prevent users from obtaining logs in case of a conversion failure.


VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 4.0.x


Enable the useSourcePasswordInHelperVm flag in converter-agent.xml:
  1. Browse for the converter-agent.xmlfile in the following locations:
    • If Converter Standalone runs on a Windows system, go to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\.
    • If Converter Standalone is running on a Linux system, go to /etc/vmware-converter/.
  2. Open the converter-agent.xml file in a text editor and change the useSourcePasswordInHelperVm flag from false to true.
  3. Restart Converter Standalone agent.
    • If Converter Standalone agent runs on a Windows system:
      • Open the Services section in the Microsoft Management Console
      • Find the VMware Converter Agent service
      • Restart it.
    • If Converter Standalone agent runs on a Linux system:
      • Find the Converter Agent process by running ps -axu|grep "converter-agent.xml"
      • TerminateT the converter agent process.
      • he Converter Standalone agent starts automatically the next time you initiate a conversion task.

Alternatively, instead of restarting Converter Standalone agent, you can reboot the system to make the changes to converter-agent.xml take effect.

Enabling the useSourcePasswordInHelperVmflag is useful when the following Converter agent flag is disabled: powerOffHelperVm. This allows users to log in to the helper virtual machine after conversion. 

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