These steps describe setting up a vSwitch and/or a port group in promiscuous mode for tcpdump:
- To monitor traffic via VMware Service Console (SC), a port group and a vswif interface with security settings modified to promiscuous mode accept is required for capturing.
- To monitor traffic via the virtual machine, the virtual machine's virtual NIC must be set to promiscuous mode accept, however this step is often accomplished by the capturing utility installed on guest operating systems. The Virtual Switch (vSwitch) and port group security settings must also be modified to accept all traffic (promiscuous mode accept).
- To capture all traffic of the Virtual Switch, the vSwitch security setting is set to promiscuous mode accept.
- To capture only the traffic of a port group, only that particular port group security setting is modified to promiscuous mode accept.
- A layer 3 IP address is used by the capturing utility, therefore you must have a Service Console with an IP address in the desired subnet for capturing. This also applies to guest operating systems.
- To monitor VMkernel Traffic, place a Service Console on the VMkernel virtual switch, and follow the procedure below.
These steps must be applied as a whole if the environment requires total dedicated virtual switch, port group, and service console, or can be used as reference to modify existing network settings. To modify only the port group, go to step 3 above.
Create a new service console portgroup named COS_tcpdump (or another name which makes sense in your environment):
- Connect to the ESX host using VI Client / vSphere Client.
- Click the ESX host, then click the Configuration tab.
- Click Networking under Hardware.
- Click Add Networking, which is located at the top right. The Add Network Wizard window appears.
- Click Service console, then click Next.
- Select Create a virtual switch and select the NIC to be associated with the virtual switch and click Next.
- Enter a Network Label for the server console (in this example, COS_tcpdump), and provide a VLAN ID (optional).
- On ESX 4.x, click Next.
- Assign IP information using DHCP or manually by entering an IP Address and Subnet Mask, then click Next.
- Click Finish to create the switch.
- Click Properties next to the new virtual switch to edit its properties.
- Highlight the newly created Service Console and click Edit to modify its properties.
- In the vSwitch Properties window, click the Security tab and change all three Policy exceptions to Accept and click OK.
- Close the Properties window. You are ready to run tcpdump on this vswif interface.