- ESXi 6.5 U3 and ESXi 6.7 U2 and later, a DVS property was introduced to convert the sampling behavior to bi-directional, sampling packets on both ingress and egress.
- DVS 7.0 (on ESX7.0) Netflow sampling behavior is changed from original single-direction sampling to bi-direction sampling by default. This cannot be changed to single-direction.
ESXi 6.5 U3 and ESXi 6.7 U2 and later, enable bi-directional sampling packets on both ingress and egress with these commands:
- Find your switch name:
esxcfg-vswitch -l
DVS Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU Uplinks
65-DSwitch 5376 18 512 9000 vmnic5,vmnic4,vmnic9,vmnic8,vmnic7,vmnic6
- Check for the property:
net-dvs -l |grep ipfixbehavior
- Set the Bi Directional behavior:
net-dvs -s "com.vmware.etherswitch.ipfixbehavior"=1 -p globalPropList 65-DSwitch
- Value should look like this:
net-dvs -l |grep ipfixbehavior
com.vmware.etherswitch.ipfixbehavior = 0x 1. 0. 0. 0
- This does not require a reboot and will need to be done per host.
- Save the current DVS config to local file immediately
net-dvs --persist
- After saving it to local file, this property can keep persistent after rebooting.
- The DVS property configured on host directly is not known by vCenter. It may be overriden by VCenter in some case.This workaround is suggested for testing only.
- Bi-direction sampling behavior may introduce more cost and affect the highest throughput on the hosts.
- The downgrade is related to product traffic throughput and netflow sampling rate. As sampling rate value is bigger, the impact becomes lower. When the sampling rate is larger than 1000(almost 1/1000 packets sampled), no downgrade seen with the highest throughput.