VMware Tools Interactive upgrade fails when "isolation.tools.autoInstall.disable"= "TRUE".
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VMware Tools Interactive upgrade fails when "isolation.tools.autoInstall.disable"= "TRUE".


Article ID: 340294


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Updating VMware Tools using either the Automatic or Interactive option fails with the error "The required VMware Tools ISO image does not exist or is inaccessible. vix error code = 21001.
  • The advanced configuration "isolation.tools.autoInstall.disable = "TRUE"  has been added to the virtual machine. 
  • The vmware.log contains the following errors:
2018-04-25T13:22:28.018Z| vmx| I125: ToolInstall: Tools installation failed due to isolation setting.


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5
VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x


The advanced setting "isolation.tools.autoInstall.disable = TRUE" will block communication to the virtual machine regarding the VMware Tools installation.


This is expected behavior when this advanced configuration is set to "TRUE".  Both Automatic and Interactive tools upgrades will fail. 

Per the vSphere 6.5 Security Configuration Guide, this advanced configuration is no longer required in vSphere 6.5. Check the VMware vSphere 6.5 Security Configuration Guide | VMware for more details.

To disable this setting:

Edit the vmx file of the VM:

  1. Power down the affected VM
  2. Connect to the host the VM is running on via SSH
  3. Find the vmx file of the VM using the below command:
find /vmfs/volumes -iname *.vmx​​


  1. open the vmx file in your preferred editor and remove the entry below:
isolation.tools.autoInstall.disable = "TRUE"

  Use the vSphere Client:

  1. Power down the affected VM
  2. Right click the affected VM and select Edit Settings...
  3. Select VM Options
  4. Expand Advanced Configuration Parameters
  6. Set the value of key isolation.tools.autoInstall.disable to FALSE
  7. Select Ok

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