To work around this issue, toggle the LACPActorSystemPriority to 1 on ESXi host.
Log into ESXi shell and execute the below commands to achieve this :
1. Run this command to know the current LACPActorSystemPriority :
esxcfg-advcfg -g /Net/LACPActorSystemPriority
2. Run this command to toggle the LACPActorSystemPriority to 1 :
esxcfg-advcfg -s 1 /Net/LACPActorSystemPriority3. To verify the above settings are changed, execute below command & ensure the value set is reflected :
esxcfg-advcfg -g /Net/LACPActorSystemPriority4. Reboot the ESXi host from DCUI or restart the lacp deamon after the above commands are executed.