Unable to process VMware Cloud on AWS i4i.metal hosts costing in vRealize Operations
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Unable to process VMware Cloud on AWS i4i.metal hosts costing in vRealize Operations


Article ID: 340240


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Issue present on vRealize Operations 8.10.1 and vRealize Operations Cloud.
  • If the VMware Cloud on AWS inventory contains i4i.metal hosts, the costing of VM’s show incorrect values.
  • While using the “Migration to VCF Cloud” feature in What-if, the user wants to migrate to VMware Cloud On AWS, all the required instance types are not listed.


VMware vRealize Operations 8.10.x


To resolve the issue, upload the new rate card attached to this article.
  1. Log into the vRealize Operations UI as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Configure > Cost Settings > Cloud Providers.
  3. Click the vertical ellipsis next to VMware Cloud on AWS, then click on Edit
  4. In the Edit Cloud Provider : Basic Information window, Click Next.
  5. Download the rate card attached to this article in the Attachments section.
Note: If required, update “Instance Price”, “Instance Price One Year Plan”, “Instance Price Three Year Plan”, “Instance Price One Year Monthly Plan” and “Instance Price Three Year Monthly Plan” and save the file.
  1. Upload the new rate card in the Edit Cloud Provider window.
  2. Click on Validate.
Note: Ensure you see Rate card file has been uploaded successfully.
  1. Click on Finish.
The i4i.metal values should now be available.


VMware Cloud on AWS_ratecard_i4imetal get_app