Host profile compliance check fails with the error: A permission for user or group does not exist
Article ID: 340221
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VMware vCenter ServerVMware vSphere ESXi
Cannot perform a host profile compliance check in vSphere 5.x
When a user or group permission is configured via the host profile editor, the compliance check fails
The user or group permission is available in the ESXi host.
You see the error:
A permission for user or group <user/group> does not exist
VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x VMware vSphere ESXi 5.1
This issue occurs if the user or group name consists of uppercase letters. The ESXi host converts the user or group name to lowercase, which does not match the originally entered name in the host profile.
This is a known issue affecting vSphere 5.1.
To work around this issue, enter the domain name in uppercase and username in lowercase:
Right-click the host and click Host Profile.
Navigate to Permission policy.
Change username case to match DOMAIN\user, where domain is in uppercase, and username is in lowercase.
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