Swap object might become orphan when the Number of failures to tolerate set on VM is greater than one
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Swap object might become orphan when the Number of failures to tolerate set on VM is greater than one


Article ID: 340209


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VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


In some cases, when a virtual machine is provisioned using a new storage policy with Number of failures to tolerate configured greater than one, the VM swap object might retain the default policy assignment where Number of failure to tolerate configured to one.
In such cases, if more than one failure occurs the swap object might not be accessible and your data will be at risk. However, the virtual machines and virtual disk files are still accessible. The swap object might become inaccessible due to loss of quorum, when more than one swap object components are located on the failed hosts.
After you delete a virtual machine, the swap object associated to the virtual machine is not deleted and left as an orphan object.


  • VMware vSphere ESXi 6.0
  • VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x

