After upgrading VMware Tools, you see the error: "The procedure entry point GuestApp_OpenURL could not be located in the dynamic link library vmtools.dll" on the virtual machine
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After upgrading VMware Tools, you see the error: "The procedure entry point GuestApp_OpenURL could not be located in the dynamic link library vmtools.dll" on the virtual machine


Article ID: 340193


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Upgrading VMware Tools on the virtual machine fails
  • After upgrading VMware Tools on a virtual machine, you see this error:

    The procedure entry point GuestApp_OpenURL could not be located in the dynamic link library vmtools.dll

  • You have attempted an install of VMware Tools on the virtual machine in the past.


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x


This issue occurs due to an incomplete installation of VMware Tools, including the registry entries.


To resolve this issue, perform a force uninstall of VMware Tools on the virtual machine and remove the remaining VMware Tools registry entries.
To perform a forced uninstall of VMware Tools:
  1. In vCenter Server, right-click the virtual machine and click Guest > Install/Upgrade VMware Tools.
  2. Open a console session to the virtual machine and login to the guest operating system.
  3. In the virtual machine, click Start > Run, type cmd and click OK.
  4. Run this command to change directories to the VMware Tools installation path:

    cd vmwaretoolscdromdriveletter:

    For example: If VMware tools is located on the D: , type:

    cd d:

  5. Run this command to begin the forced uninstall of VMware Tools:

    For 32-bit operating systems:

    setup.exe /c

    For 64-bit operating systems:

    setup64.exe /c

To remove any remaining VMware Tools registry entries:
Note: Before making any changes to the registry, ensure to take a backup of the registry. For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 322756.

Note: The preceding link was correct as of January 02, 2015. If you find the link is broken, please provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.

  1. Perform the actions as per the Solution section of Unable to upgrade existing VMware Tools).
  2. Remove these registry keys from the virtual machine:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\VMware Tools
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\VMware User Profile
  1. Reboot the virtual machine and reinstall VMware Tools.

Additional Information