Installing or upgrading Workstation 5 fails with the message: The wizard was interrupted
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Installing or upgrading Workstation 5 fails with the message: The wizard was interrupted


Article ID: 340155


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VMware Desktop Hypervisor


  • When you attempt to install or upgrade Workstation 5, the installation/upgrade fails.
  • You see the error:

    The wizard was interrupted before VMware Workstation could be completely installed. Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again.


VMware Workstation 5.x (Windows)
VMware Player 1.x (Windows)



This issue can occur if the Microsoft XML Parser msxmlx.inf files have been corrupted by some activity on your host, such as a failed or incomplete product installation or a system crash. This issue is most often seen when the msxmlx.inf files have been changed to read-only.

To confirm this is the issue you are experiencing:
  1. Click Start > Search > For Files or Folders to open the Windows Search utility.
  2. Search for vmmsi.log.
  3. Open the log file with a text editor and look for this message:

    Error: 'msxmlx.inf' with error code 1

    If this message exists, you are experiencing the issue described in this article.


To resolve this issue, search for all occurrences of the msxmlx.inf file on your system, and remove the read-only property.

To search for the file and remove the read-only property:
  1. Click Start > Search > For Files or Folders to open the Windows Search utility.
  2. Search for msxmlx.inf.

    Important: Make sure you include hidden files.

  3. For each file that appears in the Results pane:
    1. Right-click the file and click Properties.
    2. Deselect Read-only if it is selected.

  4. Attempt to install/update Workstation again.
If this procedure does not resolve the issue, try updating the Microsoft XML Parser. For more information, see Microsoft article 324460. Reboot your host after the update, then try installing Workstation again.

Note: The preceding link was correct as of July 8, 2013. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.

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