While deploying VCH using the < vic-machine-OS create > utility on a nested cluster inside folders results in the Port layer fails with error as below or similar:
< FATAL configure_port_layer ERROR: Failure finding host (): no default host found >"
< timeout on docker API check >
======Command Output======
time="2018-04-13T14:57:13-07:00" level=info msg="Docker API endpoint check failed: failed to connect to i/o timeout"
time="2018-04-13T14:57:13-07:00" level=info msg="Collecting ########-####-####-####-########073d vpxd.log"
time="2018-04-13T14:57:14-07:00" level=info msg="\tAPI may be slow to start - try to connect to API after a few minutes:"
time="2018-04-13T14:57:14-07:00" level=info msg="\t\tRun command: docker -H --tls info"
time="2018-04-13T14:57:14-07:00" level=info msg="\t\tIf command succeeds, VCH is started. If command fails, VCH failed to install - see documentation for troubleshooting."
time="2018-04-13T14:57:14-07:00" level=error msg="vic/cmd/vic-machine/create.(*Create).Run.func3: Create error: context deadline exceeded\nvic/cmd/vic-machine/create.(*Create).Run:741 Create\nvic/cmd/vic-machine/common.NewOperation:27 vic-machine-windows"
time="2018-04-13T14:57:14-07:00" level=error msg=--------------------
time="2018-04-13T14:57:14-07:00" level=error msg="vic-machine-windows create failed: Creating VCH exceeded time limit of 3m0s. Please increase the timeout using --timeout to accommodate for a busy vSphere target\n"
========End Output========
When connected to the VIC admin browser UI,the port-later shows the following messages:
Apr 13 2018 21:42:44.091Z FATAL configure_port_layer ERROR: Failure finding host (): no default host found
time="2018-04-13T21:42:47Z" level=info msg="Launching portlayer server pprof server on"
Apr 13 2018 21:54:21.261Z FATAL configure_port_layer ERROR: Failure finding host (): no default host found
time="2018-04-13T21:54:25Z" level=info msg="Launching portlayer server pprof server on"
time="2018-04-13T21:54:25Z" level=info msg="{Formatter:0xc42032fb20 Level:debug Syslog:<nil>}"
On checking the Port-Layer logs you see entries similar to :
Apr 13 2018 21:54:25.677Z DEBUG GuestInfoSource: key: guestinfo.vice./vic_machine_create_options~, value: "--target=https://it-vcntr-app-01.xx.xx.xx/Campus|--name=IT000000_7000_IT-VMVCH-APP-01|--compute-resource=SE-ABC-AB-BC-03|--image-store=00_000_00|--dns-server=|--dns-server=|--bridge-network=VM-1234-SE-VCH|--public-network=VM-1234-VMware|--public-network-gateway=|--public-network-ip=|--container-network=VM-1234-Systems-Management:VM-1234-SYSMGNT|--tls-cname=it-ABCD-app-01.xx.xx.xx|--no-tlsverify=true|--debug=1", error: %!s(<nil>)
Apr 13 2018 21:54:25.677Z DEBUG op=306.1: Creating VMOMI session with thumbprint ##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##
Apr 13 2018 21:54:25.978Z DEBUG Session Environment Info:
Apr 13 2018 21:54:25.978Z DEBUG op=306.1: vSphere resource cache populating...
Apr 13 2018 21:54:26.047Z DEBUG op=306.1: Cached dc: Campus
Apr 13 2018 21:54:26.177Z DEBUG op=306.1: Cached cluster: /Campus/host/TBE/vPod2/AB-BC-CD-01
Apr 13 2018 21:54:26.707Z DEBUG op=306.1: Cached ds: 02_948_30
Apr 13 2018 21:54:26.726Z DEBUG op=306.1: Cached pool: /Campus/host/TBE/vPod2/AB-BC-CD-01/Test
Apr 13 2018 21:54:26.734Z DEBUG op=306.1: Cached folders: Campus
Apr 13 2018 21:54:26.736Z DEBUG op=306.1: Error count populating vSphere cache: (1)
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.