Note: Before attempting the following steps please ensure that snapshots have been taken of all nodes in the Aria Operations cluster as per How to take a Snapshot of VMware Aria Operations
and /storage/db/vcops/data/cache/.lock
find /storage/db/vcops/data/ -type f -not -regex '.*/[2][0][2][0-9]_[0-9][0-9]_.*.dat' -and ! -regex '.*/[2][0][1][7-9]_[0-9][0-9]_.*.dat' -and ! -name '*dtr' -and ! -name 'mps_*'
An example of a corrupted file is as follows:
Note the future timestamp at the end of the file in bold.
An example of a valid file is as follows:
Note the relatable timestamp in bold.
In rare cases, you may see files prior to the year 2000, these can be deleted.
, you need to delete them.