Unable to open the Remote Console from the VMware Infrastructure Client
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Unable to open the Remote Console from the VMware Infrastructure Client


Article ID: 340060


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


You are experiencing these issues:

  • Cannot manage a virtual machine in VMware Infrastructure Client.
  • Random disconnects of Remote Console when connected to virtual machine.
  • Erratic mouse movement.
  • Closing and reopening the VMware Infrastructure Client temporarily resolves the issue, but then fails again
  • Errors similar to:

    VMware VirtualCenter unrecoverable error: (mks)
    ASSERT C:/ob/bora-33890/bora/lib/left/pollLeft.c:1420 bugNr=1319
    A log file is available in " C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-user\vmware-user-nnnn.log". A core file is available in c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\VMware\vmware-remotemks-nnnn-nnnn-0.dmp". Please request support and ind include the contents of the log file and core file.
    To collect files to submit to VMware support, run cscript vm-support.vbs.
    We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.


VMware VirtualCenter 2.0.x
VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.x


Verify that the versions of VMware Infrastructure Client and VirtualCenter match.

To install the correct version:
  1. Open a web browser and point it to the IP address of the VirtualCenter system. You are presented with a download link
  2. Download the client and run the setup program wizard.