FCoE Configuration and Basic Troubleshooting for Broadcom NetXtreme II FCoE Offload Capable Ethernet Devices
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FCoE Configuration and Basic Troubleshooting for Broadcom NetXtreme II FCoE Offload Capable Ethernet Devices


Article ID: 340042


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VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides the basic steps for enabling and troubleshooting Broadcom FCoE Offload on Broadcom NetXtreme II FCoE Offload Capable Ethernet Devices. By default, Broadcom FCoE offload adapters are not listed or displayed as storage adapters.
You must follow the configuration instructions to have the FCOE adapters listed in the vSphere Client’s Configuration tab > Hardware > Storage Adapters.
Note: Alternatively, you can use this CLI command to view the list of adapters:

esxcli storage core adapter list


VMware vSphere ESXi 8.x

VMware vSphere ESXi 7.x 

VMware vSphere ESXi 6.x



  1. Ensure your Broadcom NetXtreme II Ethernet device is capable, enabled, and supported for FCoE Offload. Contact your supplier to ensure that your device is capable and enabled for FCoE offload. Reference the ESXi hardware compatibility list (HCL) to ensure that your device is supported as an FCoE CNA.
  2. Install the latest Broadcom NetXtreme II device drivers
  3. Activate FCoE on each port through either the vSphere UI or through the ESXi host CLI.

Using vSphere UI

  1. Through the vSphere Client on the host to be configured, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Under Hardware, select Storage Adapters.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Select Add Software FCoE Adapter.

    Note: The Broadcom FCoE solution is full offload, but is referred to as software FCoE through the vSphere interfaces.
  5. Select your Physical Network Adapter from the list, and click OK.

Using ESXi CLI

  1. Determine which interfaces are FCoE capable by running this command:

    # esxcli fcoe nic list
  2. For a capable interface, you see output similar to:

    User Priority: 3
    Source MAC: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
    Active: false
    Priority Settable: false
    Source MAC Settable: false
    VLAN Range Settable: false

  3. Activate FCoE by running this command:

    # esxcli fcoe nic discover –n vmnicX
  4. Verify that the interface is activated by below command: 
     # esxcli fcoe adapter list

    For each FCoE adapter, you see an output similar to:

    Source MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    FCF MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xy
    VNPort MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xz
    Physical NIC: vmnic8
    User Priority: 3
    VLAN id: 2008
  5. Verify that the interface is activated by below command: 
     # esxcfg-scsidevs –a

    For HBA devices, you see an output similar to:

    vmhba35 bnx2fc link-up fcoe.1000bc305b01823c:2000bc305b01823c () Software FCoE

Basic Troubleshooting

  1. If your interface is not listed under esx fcoe nic list, contact your supplier's technical support channels to verify that your devices is FCoE capable.
  2. Verify that the ESX CLI FCoE adapter list reflects the correct FCF MAC and VLAN ID. If it is not correct, ensure that the VLAN is enabled for FCoE and relevant interfaces are properly configured per switch documentation.
  3. If Disks/LUNs are not visible through the activated FCoE interfaces:
    1. Verify that the target interfaces are properly zoned with initiator interfaces in the FC/FCoE fabric(s).
    2. Verify that the storage array selective LUN presentations are properly configured to present the correct LUNs to the initiator WWN
  4. If NMP is not properly discovering all available paths to the storage:
    1. Verify that you have properly configured SATP rules for your storage array. Refer to the storage array vendor for proper array configuration and rule selection.