This article provides steps to identify the virtual machines that use E1000e family for virtual network interfaces.
VMware vSphere 8.0
VMware vSphere 7.0
VMware vSphere 6.x
Note: Use the vSphere PowerCLI to identify virtual machines that uses E1000e network adapters. For more information on the installation and use of PowerCLI, see the VMware PowerCLI
$VMs = Get-Cluster | Get-VM
$A= ForEach( $VMs in (Get-VM) ) { $VMs|Where{ $VMs |Get-NetworkAdapter|Where{ $_.type -ne "vmxnet3" } } }
You'll see similar output below :
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
---- ---------- -------- --------
VM01 PoweredOn 1 2.000
VM02 PoweredOn 12 12.000