How to identify the E1000e network adapter on virtual machines
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How to identify the E1000e network adapter on virtual machines


Article ID: 340008


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides steps to identify the virtual machines that use E1000e family for virtual network interfaces.


VMware vSphere 8.0
VMware vSphere 7.0
VMware vSphere 6.x


Note: Use the vSphere PowerCLI to identify virtual machines that uses E1000e network adapters. For more information on the installation and use of PowerCLI, see the VMware PowerCLI

  1. Open the vSphere PowerCLI.
  2. Connect to the vCenter Server by running this command:

    Connect-VIServer vCenterServerHostnameOrIPAddress -User username -Password password

  3. Generate a list of virtual machines with E1000e network adapters by running this command:

    $VMs = Get-Cluster | Get-VM

    $A= ForEach( $VMs in (Get-VM) ) { $VMs|Where{ $VMs |Get-NetworkAdapter|Where{ $_.type -ne "vmxnet3" } } }

    You'll see similar output below : 

    Name                 PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB       
    ----                 ---------- -------- --------       
    VM01             PoweredOn  1        2.000          
    VM02             PoweredOn  12      12.000 

    Each virtual machine in this list has one or more E1000e virtual network interfaces.

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