Generating a VMkernel zdump manually from a dump file in ESXi host
Article ID: 340004
Updated On:
VMware vSphere ESXi
When extracting a VMkernel core and the associated diagnostic files, a bundle is generated also known as VMkernel zdump. This article provides information on generating a VMkernel zdump from a pre-configured dump file.
Run this command to restore the current dump file configuration and ensure that the dump file is configured and activated:
esxcli system coredump file get
For example:
# esxcli system coredump file get Active: /vmfs/volumes/527d1d8f-########-####-##########ab/vmkdump/564DDB42-####-####-####-##########AB.dumpfile Configured: /vmfs/volumes/527d1d8f-########-####-##########ab/vmkdump/564DDB42-####-####-####-##########AB.dumpfile
Run this command to generate the VMkernel zdump:
esxcfg-dumppart --file --copy --devname active
The path to the output file is displayed so that you can locate the zdump.
For example:
# esxcfg-dumppart --file --copy --devname active Created file /scratch/core/vmkernel-zdump.1
Generating the VMkernel zdump from the current active dump file to a specific location
Log in to the ESXi host using the SSH.
Run this command to restore the current dump file configuration and ensure that the dump file is configured and activated:
esxcli system coredump file get
For example:
# esxcli system coredump file get Active: /vmfs/volumes/527d1d8f-########-####-##########ab/vmkdump/564DDB42-####-####-####-##########AB.dumpfile Configured: /vmfs/volumes/527d1d8f-########-####-##########ab/vmkdump/564DDB42-####-####-####-##########AB.dumpfile
Run this command to generate the VMkernel zdump:
esxcfg-dumppart --file --copy --devname active --zdumpname /vmfs/volumes/<datastore_name>/<output_filename>
For example:
# esxcfg-dumppart --file --copy --devname active --zdumpname /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/vmkernel-zdump Created file /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/vmkernel.zdump.1
Generating the VMkernel zdump from a specific dump file to a specific location
Note: Perform these steps to generate the VMkernel zdump file from the latest non-active dump file, if you have created and activated a new dump file after a previous host failure.
Log in to the ESXi host using the SSH.
List all potential files matching the ESXi host dump files: