Standard or Distributed Switch changes fail with the error "A specified parameter was not correct"
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Standard or Distributed Switch changes fail with the error "A specified parameter was not correct"


Article ID: 339882


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • In vCenter, operations to modify portgroups, add/remove pNics, or modify Teaming policies on a vSS or vDS fail with the error: 
 "A specified parameter was not correct"
  • Unable to modify or add a gateway of a TCP/IP Stack.
  • "Invalid NIC" errors are seen in hostd.log: 
2022-04-12T04:28:47.417Z info hostd[2099563] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.TaskManager opID=kxaqfuni-78739569-auto-1avnwu-h5:73869704-7e-e5-cb5c user=vpxuser:Domain\Username] Task Created :
2022-04-12T04:28:47.418Z info hostd[2099426] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=kxaqfuni-78739569-auto-1avnwu-h5:73869704-7e-e5-cb5c user=vpxuser:Domain\Username] UpdateNetwork with Config: ( {
-->    proxySwitch = ( [
-->       ( {
-->          changeOperation = "edit",

2022-04-12T04:28:47.440Z info hostd[2099426] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=kxaqfuni-78739569-auto-1avnwu-h5:73869704-7e-e5-cb5c user=vpxuser:Domain\Username] Invalid NIC order: one of more PNIC specified are not uplinked to vswitch.
2022-04-12T04:28:47.440Z info hostd[2099426] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=kxaqfuni-78739569-auto-1avnwu-h5:73869704-7e-e5-cb5c user=vpxuser:Domain\Username] Invalid NIC teaming policy: invalid NIC order specified.
2022-04-12T04:28:47.440Z info hostd[2099426] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=kxaqfuni-78739569-auto-1avnwu-h5:73869704-7e-e5-cb5c user=vpxuser:Domain\Username] Invalid network policy: invalid NIC teaming policy.
2022-04-12T04:28:47.440Z info hostd[2099426] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc.NetworkVmkSimulator opID=kxaqfuni-78739569-auto-1avnwu-h5:73869704-7e-e5-cb5c user=vpxuser:Domain\Username] Cannot set policy for vswitch [vSwitchUSB0], network policy is invalid: ( {
  • In the vmware-vimdump output, you might see "bridge = <unset>"
                     ( {
                        dynamicType = <unset>,
                        dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
                        name = 'vSwitchUSB0',
                        key = '',
                        numPorts = 4350,
                        numPortsAvailable = 4327,
                        mtu = 1500,
                        portgroup = (Link) [
                        pnic = (Link) [],
                        spec = ( {
                           dynamicType = <unset>,
                           dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
                           numPorts = 128,
                           bridge = <unset>,   <-------- Here


VMware vSphere ESXi 
VMware vSphere vCenter


If NetworkSystem.invokeHostTransactionCall is called to make changes to a vSS or vDS while there is a configuration issue with vSwitchUSB0, the change operation will fail.  In this particular case, vusb0 did not exist on bootup.
2022-04-12T03:19:20.548Z jumpstart[2097601]: VirtualSwitch: Unable to restore uplink vusb0  of virtual swtich vSwitchUSB0. Reason was Unable to find mapping for vusb0:
2022-04-12T03:19:20.549Z jumpstart[2097601]: PortGroup: NIC vusb0 does not exist
2022-04-12T03:19:20.549Z jumpstart[2097601]: PortGroup: NIC vusb0 does not exist
2022-04-12T03:19:20.550Z jumpstart[2097601]: PortGroup: Unable to find mapping for vusb0
2022-04-12T03:19:20.550Z jumpstart[2097601]: PortGroup: Not a valid pnic:  for teaming on portgroup: IMM_Network0
2022-04-12T03:20:13.731Z: [UserLevelCorrelator] 91443881us: [] Host has booted.


  • Try re-adding vusb0 to vSwitchUSB0: 
esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add --uplink-name="vusb0" --vswitch-name="vSwitchUSB0" 
  • In similar cases, toggling the vSwitchUSB0/vusb0 Teaming policy from Active to Standby or Unused (or vice versa) has been known to work. 
  • Remove vSwitchUSB0.  If it repopulates, please contact your hardware vendor on how to properly disable the vUSB device. 
esxcli network vswitch standard remove --vswitch-name=vSwitchUSB0