Hubs are arranged in a multi-tiered fashion.
We have two primary hubs clustered together with the HA probe.
We also have two secondary hubs also clustered together with the HA probe which are configured as tunnel servers and are located on the same network as our primary hubs.
Finally we have multiple tertiary hubs clustered together with the HA probe which are on different networks.
We need to be able to distribute probes from either of the primary hubs to robots managed by any of the hubs in our environment.
How do we configure the distsrv probe so that these distributions succeed?
On all primary and secondary hubs, set up Forwarding as follows:
On your primary hubs (active and passive):
On the Advanced Settings tab located on the main Setup tab you should only have the following 2 settings checked:
Log finished installation
Use remote distsrv on distribution
For your passive primary hub only, you should also check the following 2 settings:
Accept remote distributions
Use local archive for accepted remote distributions
Presumably, you want the active primary hub to be the repository for all of the updated packages that you wish to deploy to the robots managed by your other hubs. If there is a failover to the passive hub, you should not make any changes to these packages, but you should still be able to distribute them from this hub until the active hub comes back on line.
Since the secondary hubs are in the same network as your primary hub, then it is not necessary to add any entries to the Forwarding tab.
On your secondary tunnel server hubs (active and passive):
On the Advanced Settings tab located on the main Setup tab you should use the same configuration settings as were used on the passive primary hub and select the following 4 settings:
Log finished installation
Use remote distsrv on distribution
Accept remote distributions
Use local archive for accepted remote distributions
On your Forwarding tab, you should have an entry for all passive and active hub tunnel clients which are connected to these tunnel servers.? (the following example is not complete, it only shows one of the many hubs that you would add to this page):
Finally on all of your "tertiary" tunnel client hubs (active and passive):
On the Forwarding tab located on the main Setup tab you should uncheck the Forwarding Active setting unless you have hubs down stream from these hubs that manage robots that you wish to distribute probes to and you have installed a distsrv probe on.
On the Advanced Settings tab located on the main Setup tab you should have the following 3 settings checked:
Log finished installation
Accept remote distributions
Use local archive for accepted remote distributions
Note that you would also select the "Use remote distsrv on distribution" if you have other hubs that are down stream from these which have a distsrv probe installed.
There should be no hubs listed on your Forwarding tab on any of the distsrv probes on these hubs, unless you do have hubs that are down stream from these.
Best Practices when creating superpackages using a working superpack with dependencies, including nested packages/dependencies:
In some cases we have seen one or more of the superpackage dependencies become corrupted, e.g., small differences in package sizes, some only off by 1 or more bytes when compared to the working superpack. Although this is rare, differences in sizing may sometimes occur during distribution or some other unknown cause like network glitch.
To avoid this issue, check that the names, builds, versions and sizes of dependency packages are consistent with the working superpack to make sure there are no differences in naming, builds, versions and and sizing once the distribution completes.