IaaS Manager Service component type certificate fails to load in the VAMI and continues to spin indefinitely
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IaaS Manager Service component type certificate fails to load in the VAMI and continues to spin indefinitely


Article ID: 339753


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite



You have configured vRealize Automation environment with multiple IaaS Nodes. When you replace the IaaS Manager/ Web server certificates through VAMI, you experience these symptoms:

  • vRealize Automation appliance memory slowly increases with a lot of python processes.
  • When you log in to VAMI on vRA 7.2 appliance and navigate to vRA Settings > Certificates and select Manager Service for the Component Type, you see this error with an indefinitely spinning icon:

    VAMI is loading Manager Service host...
  • vRA VA console returns multiple line items when you run this command:

    /usr/sbin/vcac-config iaas-certificates-info


VMware vRealize Automation 7.1.x
VMware vRealize Automation 7.2.x


There is a limited amount of memory available to process and display the history for the manager service certificate actions. If there are too many items, the memory can be exceeded, which results in an undisplayed failure.


This is a known issue affecting VMware vRealize Automation 7.2.

Issue is resolved in vRA 7.3.1 and 7.4.

To work around the issue, remove the older history entries.
  1. Log in to VMware vRealize Automation appliance using SSH.
  2. Connect to vPostgres database and execute DELETE statement.
       my_vra_host:~ # su - postgres
       pspostgres@my_vra_host:~> psql vcac
       psql.bin (9.5.12 (VMware Postgres release))
       Type "help" for help.
       vcac=#delete from "cluster_commands" where status = 'QUEUED';
  1. Quit postgres with: \q
  2. Return to root user: exit.
  3. Review the entries *before* and *after* removing the older entries, by running this command:
/usr/sbin/vcac-config iaas-certificates-info