"data_engine" does not come up on UIM Server.
Oracle client installed.
RHEL6 + Oracle
Jul 29 16:34:38:883 [140529501513504] de: NewSLM - Requesting Oracle
Jul 29 16:34:38:883 [140529501513504] de: LoadDLLbyName - Failed to load: libociei.so. libociei.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Oracle shared library linkage procedure needs to be performed.
Please ensure you have completed this task related to link of Oracle libraries.
This procedure is required for the data_engine probe.
1. Download Oracle Instant Client (ZIP)
2. unzip it.
3. Create /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle.conf
4. Put Oracle Instant Client path in it.
5. # ldconfig
6. # cd <Oracle Instant Client path>
7. # ldd libociei.so
8. Verify if there is no "not found".