Enabling and disabling local authentication for vRealize Business for Cloud
Article ID: 339417
Updated On:
VMware Aria Suite
This article provides information on how to enable and disable local authentication for vRealize Business for Cloud. vRealize Business for Cloud can be integrated with vRealize Automation or Identity Manager for user authentication. When neither of those are available, you can enable standalone mode on vRealize Business for Cloud using a script.
VMware vRealize Business for Cloud Advanced 7.x
To enable Standalone mode, or the local authentication for the appliance:
Run this command from the command line of the appliance:
If you select option 5, standalone mode is enabled.
Ensure that vRealize Business for Cloud is not registered to vIDM or vRealize Automation when standalone mode is enabled.
Selections 1 through 4 on the script are for adding, managing, and removing local users.
To disable the local authentication when you want to register vRealize Business for Cloud to vRealize Automation or Identity Manager:
Edit the /usr/ITFM-Cloud/va-tools/va-conf/setenv.sh file for vRealize Business for Cloud.
Modify the content:
From: "export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=root"
Save the file and reboot the appliance.
You can now register to either vRealize Automation or Identity Manager.