There was an issue with handling of the static of static routes because of this the system is unable to infer if there was any route change for static routes so we end up with continous alarms raising.
NSX-T edge has a log in syslog that repeats on every configuration push if static routes are configured
The log location is
this log looks similiar to
NSX 7040 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-edge" s2comp="nsx-monitoring" entId="########-####-####-####-########0001" tid="7040" level="ERROR" eventState="Off" eventFeatureName="routing" eventSev="error" eventType="static_routing_removed"] Context report: {"entity_id":"########-####-####-####-########0001","sr_id":"########-####-####-####-########5737","lr_id":"########-####-####-####-########e327","static_address":"ip-address"}
This error is misleading and will not cause any issues